Please see instructions below on how to upload your video to YouTube. Your video should be no more than 5 minutes.
Step 1: Create a YouTube account or login
Step 2: Go to “upload video” and upload your video
Step 3: Set visibility to “private”
Step 4: Click “shareable link” to copy the video link
Step 5: Copy and paste youtube link when prompted below
Q1 - Why are you interested in the Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship, and what do you want to accomplish throughout the course of this 5-year experience (1 year of active fellowship + 4 years of support for degree completion and workforce placement)?
Q2 - Imagine that you have been granted $5,000 to design and implement a project to positively impact your local community. From your perspective, what issues are most prevalent within your community, what actions or strategies would you implement to create positive, sustainable change? Who would you collaborate with to accomplish your goal?
Q3 - How have you worked individually or with others to initiate or make a change in your community?
Q4 - There is no financial cost to the Fellows to participate in the program, but the Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship requires a significant level of investment and engagement. Fellows are expected to complete readings, participate in coaching sessions once a month, and be prepared and actively engaged at all seminars in addition to remaining committed to your current commitments such as an employer, coursework, and other co-curricular activities. Please explain how you will balance the Fellowship with your other commitments.
Q5 - Is there anything else you would like for us to know regarding your application for the Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship?