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Candidate Application Form
Salesforce IDs

Prefill from program cohort

Prefill from program cohort

Prefill from class
We’re thrilled to have you apply to the Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship (AYLF)! Becoming a Fellow is the journey of a lifetime, where you will explore your identity, values, and relationship with community. The 2024-25 cohort cycle will take place in the Mississippi/Arkansas Delta, Miami, and Chicago for 18-22 year-olds.  

AYLF is currently accepting applications until Friday, August 23rd, 2024, with interviews ending by Friday, August 30th. We strongly encourage you to give yourself 30-45 minutes to complete the entire application. This includes:
  • Reviewing all information and responses before submitting your application. 
  • Providing either a written (250-word responses) or video response to the short answer questions.
  • Submitting a reference. Please let your references know a link will be emailed to them from AYLF upon completion of your application. All reference forms must be completed as part of the application process.
You can save your progress and return to complete your application before the final deadline. This feature can be accessed at the top of the page. We strongly recommend that you prepare your responses in a separate document and then transfer your answers into the application.

Please contact us at aylf@aspeninstitute.org if you have any questions.

Eligibility Questions

AYLF requires that Fellows must be between the ages of 18-22 by the fellowship start date of September 21, 2024. To be eligible for the upcoming cohort, your birthdate must be between September 22, 2001 and September 21, 2006.

AYLF Calendar

Not Eligible
Thank you for your interest in applying to the Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship. You are not eligible to apply. If you have any questions regarding your eligibility, please email us at AYLF@aspeninstitute.org.
Thank you for your interest in applying to the Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship. You are not eligible to apply right now. We encourage you to apply next cycle. Please complete the information on the next page to be informed once the application opens in 2025. If you have any questions regarding your eligibility, please email us at AYLF@aspeninstitute.org.
Name & Pronouns


Contact Information

The Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship is a place-based program. Due to our community-centered model, AYLF Fellows must originate from one the local communities below and currently reside in the region.

Prefill from Cohort picklist- local resident
Please provide us with your current address.



Household Socioeconomic Status

Short Answer Questions

Each written response should not exceed 250 words. Candidates can submit a video of their responses to the questions instead of written responses.

Please see instructions below on how to upload your video to YouTube. Your video should be no more than 5 minutes.  

Step 1: Create a YouTube account or login

Step 2: Go to “upload video”  and upload your video

Step 3: Set visibility to “private”

Step 4: Click “shareable link” to copy the video link 

Step 5: Copy and paste youtube link when prompted below  

Q1 - Why are you interested in the Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship, and what do you want to accomplish throughout the course of this 5-year experience (1 year of active fellowship + 4 years of support for degree completion and workforce placement)?

Q2 - Imagine that you have been granted $5,000 to design and implement a project to positively impact your local community. From your perspective, what issues are most prevalent within your community, what actions or strategies would you implement to create positive, sustainable change? Who would you collaborate with to accomplish your goal?


Q3 - How have you worked individually or with others to initiate or make a change in your community?


Q4 - There is no financial cost to the Fellows to participate in the program, but the Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship requires a significant level of investment and engagement. Fellows are expected to complete readings, participate in coaching sessions once a month, and be prepared and actively engaged at all seminars in addition to remaining committed to your current commitments such as an employer, coursework, and other co-curricular activities. Please explain how you will balance the Fellowship with your other commitments.


Q5 - Is there anything else you would like for us to know regarding your application for the Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship?


References and Recommendations
Please identify 1-2 people who can complete a recommendation form on your behalf. Your reference can be a teacher, professor, supervisor, mentor, or anyone who is familiar with you and your interests and/or performance at school or work.